Children’s activities

Children are very welcome at Mack. We have many who come along with parents, grandparents and guardians.

These are the specific activities that happen at Mack through the week for children.

SUNDAY Crèche  – On Sunday Morning a well equipped and staffed crèche is available during the main morning meeting for Children. The volunteers who are involved in these activities are CRB approved.

SUNDAY Junior Church and Sunday school – Children stay in with the adults for the first part of the morning meeting and then go out to one of 3 groups according to their age. In their groups they discover more about Jesus from the Bible using a structured and interactive programme.

WEDNESDAY Miniscules – A very friendly and informal gathering for parents and pre schoolers from
9:30 am –  12 pm. Plenty of toys, snack time and songs….and a good cuppa! MiniScules is a very popular activity and with limited space we sometimes have to operate a waiting list.